Max-Planck-Society GeoReM MPI for Chemistry

Application Version 35 (08/01/2023)

About GeoReM    Fast Input of your analytical Data    How to cite GeoReM

Highlights: Carbonate-Sun-23
CGSP Carbonate Matrix RMs for LA-ICPMS

(Sun et al., 2023)

Sri Lankan Zircon Megacryts as RMs for Geochronology, Hf and O isotopes

(Hu et al., 2023)

New: List analyzed items in sample query by alphabet (default is by atomic number):  

Data Version: current       Other Versions


GeoReM is a Max Planck Institute database for reference materials of geological and environmental interest, such as rock powders, synthetic and natural glasses as well as mineral, isotopic, biological, river water and seawater reference materials.

GeoReM contains published analytical data and compilation values (major and trace element concentrations and mass fractions, radiogenic and stable isotope ratios).

GeoReM contains all important metadata about the analytical values such as uncertainty, analytical method and laboratory. Sample information and references are also included.

GeoReM contains ca. 59,890 analyses of 3,820 reference materials from about 13,370 papers, and preferred analytical values (State: 08/01/2023).

GeoReM complements the three earthchem databases


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